Shelly Plus AddOn

Shelly Plus AddOn

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5-7 days

Add-on for Shelly Plus devices 

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D


Can be used with up to five DS18B20 sensors or one DHT22 sensor

Has an analog and a digital input

DS18B20 - Temperature sensor (up to 5); please choose the product variant with or without (default variant ships without it)

DHT22 sensor- if you want to monitor temperature and humidity

Measure and control with precision

Shelly Plus Add-on is a galvanically isolated sensor interface for all Shelly Plus relays

Use it to measure temperature and humidity using its 1-Wire terminals, or connect various analog and digital sensors for complex automation and higher efficiency

Highly compatible

Shelly Plus Add-on is compatible with most Arduino sensors

Use its digital or analog inputs to measure your desired parameters and create complex automation scenes based on the sensor data

Garage door position 

You can connect a reed-switch sensor to Shelly Plus Add-on's digital sensor and follow the state of your garage door

This way, you will always know whether it is open or closed when you're away and take appropriate action

Always informed 

Using Shelly Plus Add-on and two DS18B20 sensors, you can easily measure the precise temperature inside your aquarium, as well as the room temperature

Based on this data, you can maintain a comfortable and healthy environment for your pets

Additionally, you can connect a liquid level sensor to the Add-on, and always be sure that the water level is at its optimal level

Control your lights based on luminousity

Together with an LDR (photoresistor),  Shelly Plus Add-on can trigger Shelly Plus 2PM to open the blinds when the room is too dark and it's still daytime

Additionally, when luminosity is low, Shelly Plus Add-on can trigger Shelly Plus 1 to turn on the lights at just the right time

An awning that follows the weather

Outdoor motorized awnings offer pleasant shade for your guests on sunny days

However, a strong, unexcepted wind can damage them beyond repair

By combining it with a wind sensor connected to the Shelly Plus Add-on, Shelly Plus 2PM can automatically close the outside awning to protect them from the wind

Additionally, Shelly Plus Add-on with a rain sensor can trigger Shelly Plus 2PM to open the awning just in time to protect your guests

Irrigation only when needed

Having a beautiful garden is not an easy task and automating your irrigation system can save you time and optimize your costs

Together with a soil moisture sensor, Shelly Plus Add-on can trigger Shelly Plus 1 to turn on the irrigation only when necessary, always skipping the rainy days

Motion-controlled lights

Shelly Plus Add-on can also be connected to a PIR sensor to light up rooms that you occasionally use around the house

This way, when you enter the room, the light will come on for as long as you need it to

Product Details

Compatible with
Shelly 1, Shelly 1PM, DS18B20
36 months
105 g
30 % to 70 % RH
Up to 2000 m
Power supply DC
3.3 V (from Shelly plus device)
Operational temperature
-20 °C to 40 °C
37x42x15 ±0.5 mm

About Shelly Group PLC

Shelly Group PLC is an innovative company founded in Bulgaria with the goal of making life easier for modern people. The company is devoted to the development of innovative IoT solutions and products. In two years only, our team of young talented developers, together with a strong sales team, built a whole new trend in Home Automation and in Wearable devices. The main development lines are the Smart localization devices MyKi, Home Automation products Shelly and a line of Health Care products - MyKi Care. 35 mobile operators worldwide gave their trust to our products, and the number is growing!

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